TransformationHQ Hannah Moore Success Story

This was Hannah before she joined Transformation HQ…


And this is her now…


I had always been an active person but struggled to push myself out of my comfort zone both with training and in my personal life and it really bothered me. I would half-heartedly go to the gym regularly but never felt I got very far with results or the changes I was hoping for. I was stuck in a rut and it really began to get my down. Then I found HQ!

Since training at HQ I have discovered an inner strength and determination I never knew I had. My mind set changed and I began to realise I could go for anything I wanted to put my mind to! I started setting little goals step by step. Carl, Ryan and Anne changed my outlook on nutrition and my diet completely changed, I realised that eating a healthy balanced diet didn’t need to be a chore or a restriction. It still makes me laugh when I used to think an innocent smoothie and a breakfast bar was ‘really healthy!’

I went on to achieve my biggest physical challenged in March last year with the photoshoot which was an amazing experience and I am so glad I can look back at those photos as a good reminder of that inner strength and determination I know I have on the days I need that bit of self-encouragement! Aka kick up the backside!
Alongside this training achievement I secured a place at a very competitive dental school and faced my fears with singing at a festival on a very big stage in front of a large crowd. Something I never thought I’d do! Keeping fit and strong is so important to me and helps me to keep balanced in all areas of my life, if I have had a stressful day or just feeling deflated and unmotivated I know I only have to open the door to HQ and there are smiling faces , positive energy and the motivation I need. I always come out a lot better then I go in!

I have met some amazing people at HQ and I feel like part of a family, I think I can safely say that that’s more then any ‘gym’ would be able to provide. The trainers at HQ are not just trainers to help you with your physical challenges but friends to help you through those rough times too. I hope HQ is a part of my life for a very long time to come!