Tracking calories unhealthy?

I’m sure you have either tried tracking calories or have heard us talking about tracking calories before.

We talk about it a lot.

Because we know it works.

We’ve tried fasting, keto, paleo, shakes, fat burners.

All a waste of time.

Want fast results – track!

But you told me to follow your THQ meal planner… I hear some members cry.

This is a valid point.

When members first start at THQ, we don’t want to overwhelm them.

Putting in a better structure and organisation, reducing bad habits and adding in new good ones.

And we know if people follow it 80-100% ….they are in a calorie deficit which results in = weight loss.

So, if getting into a calorie deficit is the secret to getting results, why would we not want most of our days in a deficit.

But it’s not just as simple as saying it’s just calories that matter.

If you want to hold muscle, feel energised, perform in the gym, we need to watch protein, fats and carbs as well.

And this is something we teach on our 12 week shoots.

But just being aware of how many calories you consume on average COULD be the key to finally getting results.

Tracking calories gets a bit of a stigma against it as it’s viewed as an unhealthy obsession.

Unhealthy to be obsessing over entering foods into an app.

But is it more unhealthy that pigging out on junk food and booze all day like the general population thinks is totally normal & acceptable?

I’ll let you decide on that one.

Its simply treating your nutrition like you would a financial budget.

If someone takes note of what they earn and what they spend, you may call them boring, but its sensible.

And this is why tracking calories can be a healthy obsession you can adopt.

I’ve done it for 10 plus years and it honestly takes me no more than 5 mins each day.

If I’m on holiday or away I will quite happily not track – as I understand roughly what I’m consuming and chill.

Got you intrigued about tracking but not sure what to consume?

Here is my go-to calorie guide for beginners.

Know your weight in pounds and times it by below figure for whatever goal you are after:

Fat Loss = weight in pounds x 12
Maintenance = weight in pounds x 15
Weight Gain = weight in pounds x 17

There are always variables and factors that need adjusting individually, but these rules work 9 times out of 10.

Don’t know how many calories you consume on average? Maybe it’s worth just tracking for 7 days & see a week’s average…you may be surprised.

You don’t always HAVE to track calories, but if you keep getting fed up of never seeing results, this could be the answer you’ve been looking for.


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